Best for Emotional Recovery Support - West Midlands, SME News Award Winner 2020
'Building emotional resilience after loss'


photo credit: Annie Spratt - Unsplash
I am delighted to be able to offer my clients the Edu-Therapy programme as well as The Grief Recovery Method; both share the insightful and fundamental core belief that when it comes to emotions and grief we may have a lot of unlearning to do. There is so much denial, minimising and 'fixing' that either we do to ourselves when we're struggling, or we do to those around us . Sadly over a period of time this denial, minimising or trying to block out, can be really detrimental to our health: mentally, emotionally and physically.
Edu-Therapy takes a deeper look at the way grief impacts our brain and our body and it also brings to our attention the many, and often conflicting, emotions that are wrapped up in grief. The way in which our feelings may affect our body; skin issues such as rashes or eczema, headaches, stomach/digestive problems like IBS, or chronic health conditions like Fibromyalgia are all too common. You become aware that your low energy, or poor concentration, disturbed sleep or the different eating patterns you are experiencing could all be due to your grief. You also learn that all of this is normal and natural.
Edu-Therapy also goes further in the relationship between our thoughts & feelings. We can empower ourselves when we recognise that we are in fact in control of our emotional reaction to our thoughts. Learnt behaviour, unhelpful beliefs may have taken over and we can lose sight of this ownership. I have been really moved by the therapeutic effects this newly gained knowledge has on my clients when they are participating on their Edu-Therapy journey.
This programme can bring about huge awareness, encourages self compassion, enables you to let go of unresolved grief, frees you in a relationship where you felt stuck and increases your emotional resilience. Unresolved grief is cumulative, meaning that years of unprocessed feelings from earlier painful events could be buried underneath your most recent loss. If you don't want to feel the way you're currently feeling any more than this could be the course for you. It is an extraordinarily insightful programme and for many life-changing too.
The success of this programme is dependant upon your honesty, your willingness to share and to reflect upon the things that you discover, your commitment and trust are equally as important too.
This was an experiential training programme, as the Specialist I had to do the emotional work too.
"I found it hugely beneficial. I was able to let go of past pain and regret and finally put 'stuff' to bed.
I feel calmer, emotionally lighter and I have more self compassion too."
This is an 8 module programme. Please allow upto 90 minutes per session. There is no additional reading required or homework assignments; all the work is completed in the sessions with me . Email support is available during my working hours whilst on the programme.
Please note payment is required on the day of invoice, in advance of the session.
Cost: 1 payment of £960 or 2 payments of £480 (to be paid before 1st session & the balance before the 4th session)
additional sessions are £120.