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Dawn is an amazing human being who has helped me feel like me again.
When I started therapy with Dawn I felt lost, down, low and I didn't know how to shift this awful dark feeling.
After losing my job I felt a loss of identity and purpose, this affected me in more ways than people would even think.
I didn't actually believe it when I met Dawn and took It with a pinch of salt with her saying I would feel a lot "lighter, free and lifted". All things I wanted to feel but It felt like it was absolutely impossible.
After having 10 emotional and insightful amazing sessions I have to say Dawn was absolutely right.
I feel amazing, I feel like the old but a much better me is back and lifted and like a new and more shiny, confident version of me.
I would and have absolutely recommended Dawn to anyone going through any kind of grief in their life, she really does help, and what you come away with is so valuable the tools and techniques she uses even after therapy has finished.
I feel like since having therapy I have a brand new shiny armour and I can take on anything. I will miss seeing Dawn as I love her infectious positivity and non judgement persona I could tell her anything and trust her with anything I felt I was in such a safe space with her and felt she help guided me to where I needed to be.
Thankyou Dawn for everything.

If you’re considering the edu-therapy programme with Dawn, I couldn’t recommend her highly enough

Dawn is a wonderful, warm and empathetic person who helped me through the most difficult time in my life. I approached her following the sudden loss of my mum but during the edu-therapy programme we dealt with so much more than that. I wasn’t in a great place when I went to my first session, not only because of my recent loss but in my marriage too. Through our sessions following the programme but also just chatting through life experiences old and new I came to realise that I should have done this a long time ago. Dawn is a phenomenal person who gave me the safest of spaces to work through my grief, trauma and feelings. I could not recommend her highly enough to anyone, this will change your life and give you to the tools you need to deal with your experiences, losses and feelings in a healthy way. Although Dawn can’t ‘fix’ anything, I feel like she has saved me, my marriage and my sanity. If you’re considering the edu-therapy programme with Dawn, I couldn’t recommend her highly enough. Nov 2024

I believed I could navigate through life without expressing myself or “burdening” anybody with my feelings. I was so wrong.

Being a 30 something year old male, I believed I could navigate through life without expressing myself or “burdening” anybody with my feelings. I was so wrong. Dawn not only helped guide me through the delayed grief regarding the loss of my mother, but also helped guide me through my marriage and various other issues that I have experienced in my life. I cannot recommend Dawn enough. She has helped me from becoming another mid 30s Male suicide statistic, to somebody that can actually express himself without the worry of what others would think, and that people will listen to you if you let them. November 2024

I needed someone to help me navigate the awful and heartbreaking path that I am currently on.

I am so fortunate to have ‘found’ Dawn through a friend. I lost my partner of 32 years suddenly in August this year. Sheila was not only the love of my life but also my carer as I live with vascular dementia. I needed someone to help me navigate the awful and heartbreaking path that I am currently on. Dawn has helped me find the tools to do this. She is caring , empathetic and very wise, with many years of experience. I have learnt a lot in the few weeks I have been seeing Dawn. Grief is natural but it certainly doesn’t feel like it. It is physically painful at times and often overwhelming. There are no rules for grief. I have never, ever experienced anything like it. With Dawn’s help I am finding ways to ‘keep going’. I would thoroughly recommend Dawn to anyone who is experiencing loss. November 2024

I was able to find my footing again and I will forever be grateful - I recently completed the 8 week Edu Therapy Programme with Dawn. Dawn did this with such kindness and compassion and it truly has helped transform my life for the better. Dawn has equipped me with some really important life tools to continue to grow and heal. Through Dawn’s warmth in our weekly sessions I was able to find my footing again and I will forever be grateful for her. I feel lighter, more grounded, capable and more at peace for the first time in a long time and this is down to Dawn for guiding me through this. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. July 2024

EDU THERAPY PROGRAMME I recently finished the Edu Therapy programme with Dawn which was really powerful and transformative for me. It’s different to any other kind of therapy I’ve done and it puts self compassion at the forefront of everything. I feel more at peace when I finished in comparison to when I started the programme 8 weeks ago and definitely for the first time since my partner died. Dawn created a safe space for me to talk freely and vulnerably and helped me find some solid footing that I needed since my whole world was flipped. Dawn has no doubt equipped me with life tools to continue to grow, heal and be self compassionate. I feel so privileged and grateful that I was able to work with Dawn over the past 8 weeks. Thank you for everything. July 2024

Amazing. Dawn put me at ease straight away, from our first contact over message to meeting face to face. I instantly felt comfortable in Dawn’s presence. I completed the Edu-Therapy Sessions. Lots of laughter, tears but also the main thing for me was letting go of a lot of past trauma to help me move forward. I have for sure Let Go and will use the therapy moving forward. I learnt so much and highly recommend Dawn! I actually feel sad finishing the sessions, but all good things come to an end and I’m in a much happier place because of it! Thank you Dawn x May 2024

Through the Grief Recovery Method, Dawn has helped more than I feel I can express in words. I was at a point of absolute desperation, unable to see a way through the trauma that had befallen me. Dawn showed me kindness, understanding, and a safe place within which to open up. When I was ready to start the Grief Recovery Method I was guided through each step at my own pace. It is a true enabler and I have been given the tools to empower myself for the long term. I was able to look at my loss through different eyes, always guided thoughtfully by Dawn, whose gentle, kind and honest nature makes her the ideal practitioner and supporter. There were several 'light bulb moments' throughout the course of my journey where I felt a deeper understanding of myself and my relationships. The Grief Recovery Method will stay with me for ever, my handbook having a treasured place on my bookshelf for when I might next need it. Dawn will always have a special place in my heart for making such an enormous difference to me and my life. 

Dawn made a memory cushion and 'buddy' for my son. He had the most wonderful reaction to receiving them - he knew before I even got into his room what was in the bag. He cried and would not let go of the cushion. It's on his bed and I've seen him lying next it and stroking it absentmindedly. The buddy lives in his school bag and has been transferred to his overnight bag for sleepovers. These beautiful items, created with such love and sensitivity, have meant the world to him and are helping him with his loss. March 2024 

Truly transformative!

I recently had the privilege of undergoing 8 edu-therapy sessions with Dawn, and I cannot express enough how profoundly it has impacted my life. Her grief-focused approach helped me confront childhood trauma and self-esteem issues and acknowledge the fact that grief extends beyond bereavement to encompass various life losses. This understanding allowed me to shed the accumulated grief I had carried for years. Equipped with tools to reframe negative thoughts, I've experienced a shift in mindset and well-being. Dawn's warmth created a safe space for vulnerability and her provision of resources enriched our sessions. I wholeheartedly recommend Dawn's edu-therapy to anyone seeking positive transformation. Her holistic approach and dedication make her invaluable during the path to healing and growth. Thank you, Dawn, for guiding me towards a brighter future. March 2024

"After putting off Grief Therapy for a long time out of fear, I finally bit the bullet and it's one of the best things I've done for my mental health and wellbeingAnd in many subtle ways that others may not notice, it has changed my life.

I took the course of Edu-Therapy sessions to help with past traumas and the loss of my health and relationships. We went right back to the start, revealing things I didn't even know were affecting me and highlighting and bringing to the forefront the issues I knew I needed to face. So much clarity and realisation.

I learnt to Really Cry and to not feel embarrassed or afraid to do so. So much release! I worry less about things that are out of my control. I am a more confident person and feel like I'm getting back to who I was meant to be. The therapy gave me the strength to use my voice and express my true self…Some big life changes occurred.

It was intense and interesting and Dawn was welcoming, empathetic, warm and wonderful. Worth every penny and every second…The sessions flew by, they could've kept going, it felt so good getting all the emotional rubbish out of my system! Leaving each session I felt stronger and calmer. And Dawn is just incredible at what she does. When I have a blip now, I think back to these sessions and everything I learnt and discovered about myself and use it to move forward with confidence and continue to heal. Big Love, Thank You Dawn." January 2024

I thoroughly recommend this programme and more importantly, Dawn Ford.

I was referred to Dawn through work for support in a breakdown of my marriage. In all honesty I was broken and shattered into a thousand pieces. Struggling to cope with the every day, I accepted the referral with an open mind. Expecting counselling I met with Dawn and realised it wasn’t going to be counselling but a therapy programme and thought embrace this and go with it. I am so glad I took on the EDU therapy course it’s helped immensely.   

I have faced some issues from childhood and the past that inadvertently have led to where I find myself today by accepting behaviours that I’ve tolerated to please or appease. It’s been an emotional journey but one that has helped me understand myself a whole lot more and given me the courage to face the future. I opened up to Dawn within the first getting to know you session, she has the most incredible way about her that entices out your innermost thoughts and feelings through her empathy, understanding, hearing you, and just a complete feeling of safety and trust. I thoroughly recommend this programme and more importantly, Dawn Ford.

November 2023

I now look forward to the next chapter in my life.

I met Dawn on a cruise and I recognized what a special person she was. I joined an eight week Edu-Therapy course. It was a very therapeutic journey.
I lost my son 11 years ago, he was 25 years old, the pain was unbearable. The course has helped me deal with the pain. I now feel grateful that I had him for 25 wonderful years.
I am now going through a divorce and its a very difficult time, I have learnt how to let go of my anger & resentment and start a blank book. I now look forward to the next chapter in my life.
Without meeting Dawn I would be stuck in the past. I'm now moving on.
Thank you Dawn, I'm going to miss you.  
October 2023

Life changing!

Dawn is an incredibly special person and I feel so blessed and lucky to have met her.
Dawn has a wonderful calm, loving energy and is so easy to talk to. Dawn genuinely listens and cares, with no judgement and you can tell that she is so passionate about helping others. After just a few sessions, I noticed a shift in my mental health and others have noticed it too. I feel lighter and in control. The ‘old Emma’ is making her return!
I will miss my sessions with the lovely Dawn.

Thank you, from the very bottom of my heart xx  October 2023

Highly recommend. This will change your life.

I visited Dawn after suffering a brain injury and struggling with overwhelming emotions which affected my home and work life. Dawn was so compassionate and easy to talk to. I completed the 7 week course and I feel that I am now free of symptoms that I was not even aware that I was experiencing. My relationship with food and alcohol has taken a huge turn for the better. I no longer punish myself with (or without) food and I can enjoy a glass of wine for what it is without it being a STERB.
My biggest revelation has been that I have been sleeping with my jaw clenched and my shoulder hunched for all of these years. I wake up now with my shoulders relaxed and my jaw slack and my tongue resting behind my lower teeth and not pressed up to the roof of my mouth. I didn’t even know this was possible until I was able to let go of all of my internalised trauma.
I can’t recommend Dawns service highly enough. This has changed my life. 
May 2023

I recently had the opportunity to talk with Dawn and receive grief counselling to help me cope with the loss of my mother. I cannot express enough how beneficial this experience has been for me.
Dawn was warm, empathetic, and provided a safe and supportive environment for me to express my emotions and thoughts. Through various techniques, and using the Grief Recovery method Dawn-helped me to understand and manage my grief in a healthy way. One of the most valuable aspects of the counselling was learning about the different responses to grief, which allowed me to recognise that what I was feeling was normal. Dawn provided me with practical tools and coping mechanisms that I could use when I felt overwhelmed or triggered.
Overall, my experience with grief counselling has been transformative. It has helped me to navigate my grief journey with more clarity and resilience. I would highly recommend Dawn and the course to anyone who is struggling with the loss of a loved one.

May 2023

I will no longer use the phrase, “I can’t cry!” Because I can when I feel the need

I started the Grief Recovery programme with Dawn when I felt heartbroken and traumatised following some difficult life events. With a willingness to invest emotionally and give some time to the process, my sessions had a transformative effect on me. I’ve noticed how calm I now feel. I have more resilience and a deeper understanding of my loss and my environment. Dawn has the ability to lift you up and fill you with comfort. She will cheer you on and help you find the positives. She will alleviate your fears and normalise your troubles and guide you to a place of peaceful acceptance and self compassion. April 2023


Dawn is excellent at delivering the Grief Recovery Programme.
She is empathic, kind, genuinely sincere and brings in appropriate humour. She is naturally intuitive. She allows her client time to respond and is able to give gentle nudges. I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking this area of need.  
April 2023

I had no idea what to expect but at the end of the first session I breathed a massive sigh of relief…I felt immediately lighter somehow.

Following the loss of my beautiful sister, I was consumed by overwhelming grief, sadness and anger…My heart was broken and I could see no way of ever feeling any differently…the world was now a dark lonely place with a massive hole in it and no matter how I tried to distract myself, keep busy or surround myself with friends and family, I had never felt so alone. I had lost who I was as a person…I did not recognise myself anymore…I felt completely changed…and hopeless…I found myself feeling numb, questioning what was the point to any of this? Yet I knew deep down there were people…children…relying on me…they needed me…I had to try and get better.

I reached out to Dawn after hearing about the grief recovery method from a friend. I had never asked anyone for help before. This was a huge step in itself.

I had no idea what to expect but at the end of the first session I breathed a massive sigh of relief…I felt immediately lighter somehow.

I looked forward to seeing Dawn each week…she is so friendly and comforting and I felt at ease talking to her and sharing experiences…I never felt judged and she made me feel calmer somehow.

The program is hard, in that you do need to be completely honest and confront things that you may have kept hidden for a long time…it can be painful revisiting trauma or loss and inevitably emotional but it is so worth it in the end!

I have learnt so much about myself through the program…why I do certain things, where my personality traits have come from and what has led me to where I am now…I am so much more aware and I know this will only help me in the future.

You can’t ever get over losing someone or just put it behind you…that is not possible but I feel much more equipped to recognise when I am having a bad day, to be kind to myself and to acknowledge that pain and embrace it almost rather than pushing it down where it sits and festers and is so damaging to our body.

I would recommend Dawn to anyone who is struggling like I was…life is hard and we shouldn’t feel ashamed to reach out for help…I now know that it’s ok not to be strong and brave all the time…I can cry and it doesn’t make me a weak person…Thank you Dawn for helping me in so many ways…You were there when I desperately needed a little light in the dark…I will always be so grateful…and I will keep learning and working on myself thanks to everything you have taught me through the program.

I will miss you Dawn…very much xx  April 2023

‘My time on the Grief Recovery Programme has been equips you with tools to help approach loss in a way that is more insightful and self-compassionate.’

Dear Dawn,

Thank you for email, and I want to reiterate as well thank you so much for all of your help over the last few months. .....I’ve written a testimonial below, please feel free to use it .

 ‘My time on the Grief Recovery Programme has been invaluable. The method allows one to not only systematically and profoundly explore their issues and feelings directly related to grief, but also all significant life events that might cause daily distress or contribute to both positive and negative coping mechanisms surrounding loss. Dawn is an incredibly compassionate and warm facilitator of this method who actively listens and engages with you. She always asks appropriate questions that help guide each consultation to maximise the amount of insight that can be gained. This programme requires proper engagement and preparation in advance of each session to maximise its benefits, and equips you with tools to help approach loss in a way that is more insightful and self-compassionate.’  March 2023

I have been meaning to say a HUGE thank you to you. You have completely changed my outlook on life and my thought processes. Before coming to see you, I was very sceptical about counselling after negative past experiences. I have heard a lot it's about finding the right person for you and that is 100% correct. I was very nervous about facing various things, however you made me feel at ease immediately. You create such a safe, trusting and nurturing space. As sessions progressed, I looked forward to coming to see you and I have missed you ever since.

Since finishing my sessions, I can safely say I value who I am and am much less hard on myself. In fact, work has been very tough with a lot of flexibility needed - for the first time, I entered the classroom, with children who I don't normally teach and no plan of what I was doing without any stress. The hardest class I teach have become much more settled and I believe that a lot of that is to do with how settled I am within myself. Every day this week I have come away from work thinking that I have done a good job and I am genuinely proud of myself and the teacher I am. 

I have been meaning to say a HUGE thank you to you. You have completely changed my outlook on life and my thought processes. Before coming to see you, I was very sceptical about counselling after negative past experiences. I have heard a lot it's about finding the right person for you and that is 100% correct. I was very nervous about facing various things, however you made me feel at ease immediately. You create such a safe, trusting and nurturing space. As sessions progressed, I looked forward to coming to see you and I have missed you ever since.

Since finishing my sessions, I can safely say I value who I am and am much less hard on myself. In fact, work has been very tough with a lot of flexibility needed - for the first time, I entered the classroom, with children who I don't normally teach and no plan of what I was doing without any stress. The hardest class I teach have become much more settled and I believe that a lot of that is to do with how settled I am within myself. Every day this week I have come away from work thinking that I have done a good job and I am genuinely proud of myself and the teacher I am.  March 2023

My friends and colleagues have noticed a change in me and how I appear much more relaxed, taking things in my stride and that I am happy. 

Of course I have had a few wobbles, but they have been short lived and much more rationale. I am also now sleeping nearly every night without any medication to support that and I am now looking at removing antidepressants - I have been forgetting to take them which I think says a lot too!  Thank you, Dawn - I am me again!

January 2023

DAWN FORD LOSS & WELLBEING SPECIALIST Dawn provides a unique and highly personalised service to all her clients. Dawn has huge empathy for all her clients and I have seen how the work she does transforms how they move forward in life. I would highly recommend Dawn to anyone that feels they need a safe space and a supportive environment in which to explore deep rooted ways of dealing with losses in their life, her approach and results are outstanding. June 2022

THANK YOU DAWN I am so grateful to have met Dawn and be able to do the grief recovery program with her. I was at a time in my life where I was very low and constantly crying but I didn't always know why. Now today after finishing the program with Dawn I feel like a new women like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I always looked forward to going to my sessions and felt I could tell Dawn anything and would never feel judged. She is amazing at what she does and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you so much Dawn so lucky to have met you 💗 May 2022

I am the last person I could have imagined reaching out for help, but I do not regret it one bit!

I am so thankful I stepped out of my comfort zone and started the Grief Recovery Method with Dawn. I am the last person I could have imagined reaching out for help, but I do not regret it one bit!

When I met Dawn I finally felt heard- something I hadn't felt in a long time!

Dawn made me feel so at ease with her friendly smile and offered endless support throughout.

Before my first session with Dawn I felt I had lost myself, but Dawn gave me a safe place to speak where I never felt judged or that any of my emotions were not justified. The GRM has helped me to understand my emotions and that not all grief is caused by death.

It is nice to feel more myself again after the course.

I can't thank you enough for all of your help Dawn, and I would not hesitate to get in touch again for further support.

Thank you so much for all you help Dawn, you've helped me massively! April 2022

MAKING PROGRESS THANKS TO DAWN Upon starting this program I was a bit apprehensive in doing so . I knew I needed help with my state of mind but I didn’t want to admit it . I was a typical stereotype bloke/man bury your head in the sand and it will go away . I felt that by talking about my issues was a sign of weakness . Whilst doing this program I was at ease with Dawn whilst talking about my issues . This is purely down to Dawn who in my eyes is a very special person , she made me very welcome in her home whilst partaking in this program. Dawn has a unique skill in my opinion she brings things out of you that you don’t want to talk about to anyone . Which was very much the case with me . She converses with you & with no effort or pressure on her behalf you start talking about your issues . I felt like I had known Dawn for years whilst talking to her she made me feel so relaxed and my confidence & trust in her grew immediately. After each session I felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders. Great feeling xx Jan 2022

EXTREMELY GRATEFUL The best Specialist, changed my life, definitely recommended. Nov 2021

A SAFE PLACE TO WORK THROUGH LIFE I am so glad I reached out to Dawn. She provided a safe and welcoming space for me to open up about my grief journey. I came to her with PND and the heartache of losing a child. But I knew there was also much more to my grief. I felt heard throughout our sessions and managed to logically work through a lifetime of emotions in various different relationships. I know I will be back when the time is right to continue to work on finding who I am again. Thank you Dawn.

I smiled all the way home.

I always looked forward to seeing and speaking to you and our sessions. You made me feel relaxed, calm and comfortable to discuss things openly and truthfully with you, because I trusted & believed in you. After one session with you I couldn't stop smiling, I felt so happy and relaxed - the pain had gone. Thank you.

GRM - August 2021 relationship support

Someone doesn't have to die to feel grief.

A year and half after my husband walked out I was still struggling. To the point that it was affecting me both mentally and physically. My periods had stopped and I developed blemishes on the skin, which had to be checked for cancer. In many situations I would struggle to breathe. I was a mess and felt I was on a  permanent Merry-Go-Round (and not in a good way). 


I was holding it all together for my children putting on a mask to hide my true emotions. To many I was an unbelievably strong women coping and getting on with the situation, but deep down I was contemplating suicide. My children and parents were my reason for living and I am forever grateful for them. 


But when I was alone a darkness would creep over me pull me back under. My husband left with no explanation, no reason was given and because of this I would constantly blame myself for the situation I was in. I questioned where I had gone wrong. 


One day after it was all getting too much, a friend recommended me getting some help. She recommended Dawn and I am so grateful she did. 


Dawn deals with Grief and at first I didn’t see how that would relate to my own situation. 

My husband hadn’t died, he had left me. Dawn explained the pain I was feeling was grief. 

The grief for my lost marriage

The grief for my lost future 

The grief for my lost family


It all began to make sense. I was not dealing with my pain I was locking it away where it was festering and instead of moving forward I was constantly holding myself back. 


Dawn was so patient, so calm and understanding, never judging me. She put me at complete ease and it felt so easy to talk.  The program helped me to work through my problems. After just 2 sessions I could feel the weight starting to lift. There were tears and laughter and by the end of the course I felt like a new me. 

Someone doesn’t have die to feel grief. My grief was the loss of my marriage,  loss of my family, loss of the future I was going to have and in some ways it was harder. I had no final goodbye, no gathering of family and friends to support me. I had to face my husband knowing that we were no longer together. I had to deal with the people talking about me behind my back. On that day not only did I lose my husband I also lost an entire family (mother in law, sister and brother in law, niece and nephew) 


Dawn was a Saviour,  she brought me out of the darkness that I was in and I can’t thank you enough. 

Dawn taught me Grief is an emotion you should feel it! It is there to help you deal with your terrible pain,  don’t ever lock it away. 

Thank you Dawn 

GRM - May 2021 relationship support

I no longer feel as though I am flailing around in the dark.

Dear Dawn,

Thank you so much for leading us on what, for me, has been a very eye-opening journey. Since starting the course in July I have learnt so much about how to speak to my children about the death of their father and their feelings of grief.

I no longer feel as though I am flailing around in the dark and it is such a relief to have a proper set of tools to work with. Getting us all through this loss has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I have felt very isolated at times, so being able to talk so openly and honestly to you and the other participants has been amazing.

You are such a kind, generous and inspiring person and your passion for what you do is infectious!

I really hope to go and do the personal 1:1 Grief Recovery Method with you in the near future too.

Thank you for your wisdom, hope to see you soon.

HCWL: online educational training  programme  - July 2021

"I didn’t associate grief with anything other than death"

“Before starting the Grief Recovery Method programme with Dawn, I didn’t associate grief with anything other than death, but since taking part in the 4 week training programme I now have a deeper understanding and can recommend Dawn as a specialist , she is knowledgeable , caring and showed empathy throughout the sessions and I can’t think of anyone better to offer the programme . A truly uplifting experience . Thank you Dawn”

 HCWL:  January 2021

"I feel so much better equipped to support and discuss the issues associated with loss & grief".

Dear Dawn,

Firstly I would like to say thank you to you for being such an amazing teacher and support through the last 4 weeks. It is such a brilliant programme but it needs someone who is patient, kind, thoughtful, knowledgeable and supportive to deliver it effectively and this is absolutely what you have done.

I feel both on a personal and professional level so much better equipped to support and discuss the issues associated with loss and grief. My own understanding of what it means to experience a loss has been expanded and developed through these last 4 weeks and I can reflect now on some of my own experiences and understand why I might feel/behave the way I do about certain losses or memories.

To sum it up I think that this programme is a really important one which can better prepare and support adults who work in education to help children in their care to deal with loss and grief but to also develop as a person so that you have a much clearer understanding of the many different feelings and emotions associated to loss and grief. There cannot be any reason not to engage with this programme and Dawn because you will benefit and so will those around you.

Thank you again.

HCWL - January 2021 A primary school teacher 

“Truly the best

Three months after the loss of my beautiful Grandma, I came across Dawn. My mum had been in contact with her as she was creating keepsake cushions out of my grandma’s cardigans. After struggling with the loss, we discovered that Dawn delivered the Grief Recovery Method. After finding this out, we contacted her, and I started the following week.

 Dawn is the most exceptional woman I have ever come across, the warmest and kindest of people of whom made me feel ‘normal’ again. The course taught me so much about loss and relationships, not only was I able to work on the loss of my Grandma and how to deal with grieving it, Dawn also helped me through other complicated relationships which I have had within my family.

The course has had such a positive impact on me and is something that I shall carry through all my life. Dawn's kind heart and wisdom will have a lasting impression on me and I will recommend this course to anyone I come across who may feel it would benefit them, like it has me and many others.”

GRM - November 2020 bereavement, relationship support & keepsake

I can whole heartily say this program is amazing and so eye-opening 

I have recently taken part in Dawn’s, online 'Helping Children with Loss' grief course and I can whole heartily say this program is amazing and so eye- opening. 


Delivered by a lovely, caring, compassionate and thoughtful teacher, who helped me learn and understand.  The course itself resonated with me and I am counting on using it in my everyday life. It reinforced with me the power of listening, active listening and its importance.

I have also reflected on learning how children’s ways of acting to situations is based on the learnt behaviour of which adults have modelled in their lives.


Overall this course is incredible and eye opening. For anyone working with children I highly recommend it!  

We all need to remember, we are all human, we are all unique but it’s okay not to be okay. It’s okay to ask for help, it’s NOT a weakness. You are not alone.


Thank you once again Dawn, for this truly eye opening and exceptional course. 

HCWL - November 2020

What an incredible course!
I have recently completed a four week course with Dawn and I must say what an incredible course. The course taught me to see loss in a different way and to hopefully support those who are grieving any form of loss, with an open heart and a listening ear. We often say how resilient children are and yes they are but this course has shown me that our children are often being resilient because it has been modelled to or been expected of by the adults in their lives. We often put on a brave face for our children and think we can’t show our emotions in front of them through fear of upsetting them.

The course that Dawn offers is a fantastic tool for anyone working with or dealing with young children. It is definitely something I am implementing in my daily practice and has reinforced that it is okay to be sad, it is okay to miss something or someone. It is okay to grieve the loss of something or someone openly and emotionally. 
So let’s all remind ourselves and our children that showing emotion isn’t a weakness, missing a loved one isn’t being weak or not coping it is human nature. Dawn thank you so much! 

HCWL - November 2020

I now feel so much lighter emotionally and am much kinder to myself as a result.

Dawn helped me enormously following the death of both my parents fairly close together. I knew from the outset that Dawn was the right person to help me. What I didn't know was the huge impact a previous toxic relationship/marriage had had on me and was continuing to do so which, in turn, was blocking me from grieving for my parents properly. Thanks to Dawn and her enormously compassionate and gentle manner I now feel so much lighter emotionally and am much kinder to myself as a result. Thank you Dawn, you are totally amazing :)

July 2020

A gentle but far reaching process of connecting incidents and patterns throughout my life

I chose to work with Dawn after I met her socially through our shared creative interests. She radiates a ‘presence’ and we connected instantly. It became clear to me very quickly that Dawn has a deep understanding of what makes people ‘tick’ and can make connections between current issues and past patterns of conditioning, trauma and limiting beliefs. When she explained the Grief Recovery Method to me, I knew that it could help me unblock some issues with loss of self-esteem and confidence that resulted from burnout and depression and the ‘loss of status’ that came when I had to give up a career in my early thirties due to those problems.


What has transpired in the four sessions I have had so far has been a gentle but far reaching process of connecting incidents and patterns throughout my life with feelings of shame, loss of self-esteem and grief. It’s already released some stuck energy and lately I have found myself moving forward with a long-held desire to create more purpose and meaning in my life that until now has been hampered by fear and loss of confidence. I am sure that the sessions with Dawn have been part of that.

Dawn creates a relaxed but purposeful atmosphere for each session and holds space for each emotion to surface. I feel totally at ease in being able to express my deepest and most private thoughts without fear of judgement. There is a structure to each week’s preparation and session content which provides focus, but the programme is also flexible and allows room for my needs to be met. For example, I need an extra session to complete the work for the content of my latest session and this has been easily accommodated.


I would recommend Dawn and the Grief Recovery Method to anyone who is finding themselves hampered in their fullest pursuit of a happy and meaningful life by any of the multitude of things that can result in feelings of loss and grief.

GRM - July 2020 relationship support


Would highly recommend the grief recovery programme. Especially being guided through it by the lovely Dawn Ford. Such a transformative and healing process xx

GRM - April 2020 relationship support

Profound Changes

Can’t recommend Dawn & the Grief Recovery Method enough ❤. Such an amazing programme which can create profound changes. Eternally grateful for my sessions.

GRM - April 2020 bereavement support

Moving on to a recovery

I highly recommend Dawn and this GRM program for helping through the process of any form of loss experienced. It will enable moving on to a recovery. Dawn is gentle, kind and endearing. You will feel safe in her company. ❤

GRM - April 2020 relationship support

My Pain Was Real and Mattered.

"This course brought about a huge transformation in my life and my perspective when dealing with my past losses and grief. Although I am not stereotypically labelled as someone who has suffered huge losses (such as the death of a loved one), Dawn helped me realise the pain I had experienced throughout my life was still real, that it mattered and that I didn't have to continue with it weighing me down and affecting my every-day life. This was significant for me because often I had questioned my emotions and not feeling they were justified because I hadn't experienced the right 'type of grief' to bring about those feelings."

"Dawn has a very special ability to deliver clarity, understanding and compassion around a sensitive topic and I always left feeling lighter and more positive! Throughout the course I was amazed by the lessons learnt from the handbook Dawn uses which is very easy to read and relatable. The content in the programme, for me, was incredibly mind-opening and inspiring. It humanises 'grief' and tackles it head on and practically; which I believe is the only way to be able to acknowledge pain, accept it and let it go."

GRM -October 2018 bereavement support

The way dealing with grief is portrayed in society is not the way we should deal with grief.

After getting to the lowest point in my life, my mum told me she knew someone who could possible help me get out of a very dark place I was in. I was very sceptical about going to grief recovery as I thought it was going to be me lying on a sofa and then being told to say how I feel.

Before meeting Dawn and attending the program I was never a person to talk about my feelings and how I was feeling.

As each session passed I felt myself becoming the person everyone knew me as, a person that is always cracking jokes, having fun and a laugh. Each week I was looking forward to going to my sessions and talking.

Dawn and the grief recovery project has helped me in so many ways and has opened my eyes, and made me realise that the way dealing with grief is portrayed in society is not the way to deal with grief. If it wasn’t for Dawn and the project I don’t know where I would be today or even be here today. All the information about dealing with grief I learnt I have passed on to friends and family.

Anyone dealing with grief I would tell them straight away to get in contact with Dawn and let her help you. When I first met Dawn she asked me how I was feeling on a scale of 1-10 and it was 1, as the weeks progressed the number of how I was feeling grew each week, and by the end of my sessions I was feeling a very high 9/10. And thanks to Dawn and the GRM program I know that there will be days where I do feel very low but now I am fully able to deal with them in the correct way. I cannot thank Dawn enough for helping me.

GRM -September 2018 bereavement & relationship support

A safe and supportive 'space'.

Dawn creates a lovely safe & supportive 'space'. I can’t thank you enough for your support with the grief recovery programme. I’m coping better than I ever did.

GRM -July 2018 relationship support

Extraordinarily compassionate..

"Dawn creates and holds an extraordinarily compassionate, non judgemental, caring space that allowed me to identify and let go of my grief. The structured process through which she acts as a guide catalysed a remarkable transformation in me which liberated me into an fresh phase of my life. Thank you Dawn!"

GRM -June 2018 relationship support

A weight off my shoulders..

Three months after my mother's death, I bumped into Dawn one Monday morning sitting in her usual coffee shop sketching. Fate was certainly with me that day. I burst into tears and poured my heart out. What a relief to learn of her grief recovery programme - I remember going  home that day with a weight off my shoulders.

Dawn has helped me  move forward from the most difficult time in my life. By piecing together all my incomplete past and present  emotions and learning to 'forgive' by letting go of all feelings of resentment. Over the duration of the course, she listened to my tearful ramblings, where copious amounts of tissues were available, if I should have wanted to take one- never judgemental, showing me empathy and in complete confidence -  and all in her lovely garden room. What I  have learnt from the programme will be invaluable for coping with any future feelings of loss and grief  .... Thank you Dawn x

GRM -May 2018  bereavement & relationship support

Transformative Programme

"The work that Dawn has taken me through on the Grief Recovery Programme has been transformative. I highly recommend this course if you want to feel lighter, brighter and ready to skip forward no longer carrying that heavy burden of  loss.  Dawn is sensitive, intuitive, gently guiding to make sure that negative feelings are truly released. It's not therapy, it's a lesson for life."

GRM - February 2018 bereavement & relationship support


Highly recommend Dawn for anyone feeling they're not coping with their grief. 

I was stuck in a loop of remembering how my mum passed and unable to move on. Dawn re-awoke my good memories & feelings that I had forgotten. I feel like I've got my mum back. 
And to top it off, Dawn is a lovely compassionate lady with lots of compassion and understanding. Even though I've finished my treatment I still think if her as a good friend. Thank you Dawn. xXx'

GRM - February 2018 bereavement support

A very special way of drawing out the difficult things while promoting the positives.

Dawn worked with us over the course of a year on a very specific project relating to memories and thoughts for the future during a very emotional and difficult period in the schools life. We were all grieving over the loss of a treasured member of school with our oldest children particularly affected.  The Art & Grief workshop led by Dawn became an instrumental part of the grieving and the recovery process. She has the most incredibly passion, kindness and thoughtfulness and a very special way of drawing out the difficult things while promoting the positives. Art was the medium but this alone would not have had the same affect. It was Dawn’s personality that gave it such a vibrant and positive feel and one that the children gained so much from.

The adults who worked with Dawn were also supported and taken on the same positive journey to being able to celebrate the past and the present and look to the future.

Dawn is certainly a talented artist but much more. It was a pleasure and a privilege to have worked with and alongside Dawn. 

School Art & Memory Workshop

Eternally Grateful

I will be eternally grateful to Dawn for the wonderful service she offers, and she's helped both me and my daughter more than she'll ever know.

GRM -May 2017 relationship support


This course brought about a huge transformation in my life and my perspective when dealing with my past losses and griefs. Although I am not stereotypically labelled as someone who has suffered huge losses (such as the death of a loved one), Dawn helped me realise the pain I had experienced throughout my life was still real, that it mattered and that I didn't have to continue with it weighing me down and affecting my every-day life. This was significant for me because often I had questioned my emotions and not feeling they were justified because I hadn't experienced the right 'type of grief' to bring about those feelings. 

Dawn has a very special ability to deliver clarity, understanding and compassion around a sensitive topic and I always left feeling lighter and more positive! Throughout the course I was amazed by the lessons learnt from the handbook Dawn uses which is very easy to read and relatable. The content in the programme, for me, was incredibly mind-opening and inspiring. It humanises 'grief' and tackles it head on and practically; which I believe is the only way to be able to acknowledge pain, accept it and let it go. 

It is clear Dawn is so passionate about helping others complete on their losses to bring about positive changes in their lives and she made me feel relaxed from the first session enabling me to expose my true emotions without any judgement whilst being highly professional. Since starting and finishing the course I have been telling everyone I know about the Dawn's programme and what I've learnt- literally life changing! 

GRM - May 2017 relationship support


I had a lovely, lovely day today with the most gorgeous soul Dawn Ford. Training as Grief Recovery Method Specialists brought us together. Today we had the longest chats, the best moments of clarity, wisdom and creativity together. An amazing artist and maker of keepsakes for those who we have lost. Please go check out her art it's so so gorgeous and she makes the most beautiful keepsakes, I can't wait to see how she makes my precious keepsakes into something new I can keep forever.

Keepsakes - Feb 2017

I am reminded of the bright colourful woman Mel was and it brings me joy.

Dawn was a close friend of Mel, my soul partner sadly lost to us. Part of Mel was her love of bright beautiful clothes so Dawn offered to make some things from pieces of Mel's clothes. These items have been so helpful to me on my journey through grief, how they have helped me changing as I have changed. When someone you love dearly passes away unexpectedly, well I can only speak for myself but I wanted to hang to as much of Mel as I could just after she died. Her last voice message on my phone so I could hear her voice for instance, playing it over and over at times trying to fill the huge space in my life her absence had created with something of her. The things Dawn made from Mel's clothes helped me to let go of Mel as slowly as I needed to. Now the items bring me cheer because rather than me clinging to something I am reminded of the bright colourful woman Mel was and it brings me joy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Dawn Ford

Keepsakes for himself, his son and daughter. 2016


I liked that there was no questions or analysis. Dawn your honesty showing your emotions made me feel okay about crying. The Garden Room is a wonderful safe haven. I feel completely relaxed in the environment Dawn works in.

GRM - October 2016 relationship support

A Calming Space Without Judgement

"Well, what can I say?  Visiting Dawn at The Garden Room has been so eye-opening. It is such a calming place where nothing you say is judged. Just a listening ear. The Grief Recovery Method really helped me to understand and accept my emotions. I feel like I will be able to deal with any grief I may have in my Life."

GRM - October 2016  relationship support


I'm amazed and inspired by what I'm learning. It has been a breath of fresh air not having anyone judging you or writing notes, you can simply be you and reassured that everything you are feeling is natural and okay.

The techniques learnt have helped me personally to understand my feelings and being able to speak openly and write my thoughts down has helped enormously in my own journey of recovery.

GRM - October 2016 bereavement & relationship support

BBC Hereford & Worcester Radio Interview with Kate Justice
on National Grief Awareness Week 2022
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