Basically any event that leaves us with a negative emotion can be a significant loss; be that great sadness, betrayal, shame, anger, embarrassment, jealousy, worthlessness etc.. Over the last 4 years I have supported clients, with an array of loss issues, all of which stem from one or multiple relationships. Clients have been aged from 18-80, male and female, ALL of them had one thing in common; they all carried negative, stressful, or traumatic experiences that were overwhelming them.
Some of the relationship issues and losses that I have supported to date:
cheating husband/partner
end of a marriage/partnership
narcissist partner/parent/s
controlling husband/partner/toxic relationship
neglect from parents
alcoholic parent/drug-dependant parent
incarcerated parent
loss of mother bond/father bond
abusive father/mother/step father/step mother/relative
sexually abusive relative
loss of a childhood
sudden death of a parent/child/sibling/relative/friend
long term illness of a parent/child/sibling/relative/friend
infant death
loss of becoming a parent
loss of trust
loss of confidence
loss of self-worth/self-love
loss of voice (inability to be heard, feelings and opinions don't matter)/loss of identity
loss of health
pet loss and many more.
So if you, or anyone you know, is struggling and feeling overwhelmed with a relationship - currently or in the past, please do get in touch. The Grief Recovery Method could be life-changing for you, for them. I offer a free 20minute phone call and the online Initial Consultation is free too.